Protect Your Short-Haired Dog This Winter With The Right Accessories

Taking your dog out during the winter can come with extra challenges since the climate could pose a health risk. If you live somewhere with snow, you'll need to pick up a few accessories to protect your dog if they have a short-haired coat. 

Along with keeping your dog warm with a coat that fits them snugly and still allows for movement, consider some of the following accessories that can protect your dog. 

Paw Balm

Going on walks, even with snow and ice on the ground, is important to keep your dog active and provide the stimulation they need. However, there are many potential dangers for your dog when they are walking around on their bare paws. The cold temperatures of winter can lead to chapping and cracking from dry skin, making paw balm an excellent product to avoid dryness. 

Quality paw balms will also prevent de-icers from sticking to your dog's paws, preventing irritation and discomfort for your dog. 


While you may already use sunscreen for your dog's nose and ears during the summer when you're in direct sunlight, it's also useful for the winter. Just like how your skin barrier is more vulnerable in the winter, the same can be true for your dog. 

Since the sun can reflect off the ice and snow, the risk of sunburns can be much higher than you expected. Applying a pet-safe sunscreen on sensitive areas of your dog before a long walk or hike outdoors can protect them from exposure to the sun. 

Dog Boots

Even with paw balm that's used to provide a moisture barrier on your dog's paws, you may also need to pick up a set of dog boots. De-icer, salt, and other abrasive materials can be present on the sidewalks while you walk your dog. A set of well-fitted dog boots will protect your dog's paws while walking together and can be an excellent purchase if you like to stay active during the winter.

Find a set of boots that will keep your dog's paws warm and provide the necessary protection from the elements while walking.

Keeping your dog safe and comfortable on walks is the responsibility of any good dog owner, making it a good idea to explore what dog accessories can help. Since you'll want to continue going on walks with your dog, regardless of the weather where you live, the above accessories are an excellent investment that will make walks safer. 

408 Words

About Me

First Pet Confusions: Tips For New Owners When my best friend needed a new home for a bird she had bought, she came to me because I didn't have any other pets. In the years since I took in what became the first of several birds, I have learned a lot about owning and caring for birds, and pets in general. I created this site to help prospective and new pet owners to understand the adventure that they are about to embark on. I hope that the information I share here will help you to feel better prepared as you start shopping for your own first pet.


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