Using The Right Saddle For The Safety And Comfort Of You And Your Horse

Horseback riding can be an excellent way to get out into nature and get to places you can't with a car, truck, or even a utility terrain vehicle (UTV). It is crucial that if you are going to be riding for any length of time, you have an appropriate saddle for your horse that is safe and comfortable for both you and the animal.

Choosing A Saddle

There are several different saddle styles used in the US, but for backcountry riding, most people choose a western saddle because they are comfortable and large enough to support you for several hours at a time. If you are using a smaller saddle, you may find it hard to sit in for long periods and it may not be as comfortable for large horses. The saddle you choose needs to fit you properly to ensure the most comfortable ride, but it is also crucial that it fits the horse correctly, or it can cause problems, including sores and injuries to the horse. When everything fits right and is secure, you can ride for hours, and the horse will be as comfortable as the rider, but if the saddle is too tight or too loose, it can quickly become a source of irritation. While most western saddles work well with the horses used in the US, some people prefer to have a saddle made to fit them and their horse instead of buying one off the shelf. A custom western saddle can include designs and customizations to the leather, but the saddle is also constructed using measurements from you and the horse so it looks great and fits correctly. 

Saddle Fit

There are a lot of western saddles on the market made in sizes that will fit many different horses, but getting the fit right starts with how the saddle sits on the horse's back. When the saddle is positioned just behind the horse's withers, it should sit flat on its back. The width of the saddle is critical, and if it is too narrow, the front of the saddle will sit high and potentially have a gap under it. If the saddle is too wide, the opposite can happen, and the saddle can sit too low in the front. You cannot pad or fill gaps these effectively, so try a few other sizes if the saddle you are considering does not fit right. Many tack shops will allow you to bring the horse to the shop, and they can help you fit the saddle to the horse, get the right saddle blanket to go with it, and ensure that the cinch and other parts fit so the saddle will stay secure while riding. If you are new to horse ownership, have someone with experience help you choose your first saddle so you get it right the first time. 

For more information on saddles, including western saddles, visit your local tack shop. 

488 Words

About Me

First Pet Confusions: Tips For New Owners When my best friend needed a new home for a bird she had bought, she came to me because I didn't have any other pets. In the years since I took in what became the first of several birds, I have learned a lot about owning and caring for birds, and pets in general. I created this site to help prospective and new pet owners to understand the adventure that they are about to embark on. I hope that the information I share here will help you to feel better prepared as you start shopping for your own first pet.


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