Situations That Mean You Should Try Organic Pet Food

While many pet owners are skeptical of the benefits of buying organic pet food, they can be numerous. Of course you're invested in the well-being of your dog, cat, or other pet, but you may be wondering how organic and natural pet food can really further that.

Here are a few of situations that can mean your pet may need organic pet food.

1. Your pet has coat and skin problems

Many dogs, cats, and other pets have beautiful coats. But problems such as itching or dandruff can occur as well. In some cases, feeding a more natural and organic diet could help improve your pet's coat by improving its shine and softness.

In other cases, this improved diet may help to improve skin health and reduce itchiness and irritation. For best results, look for a natural food that has plenty of protein and contains an ingredient such as fish oil for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, since these can help skin and coat health.

2. Your pet has allergies

Allergies can range from mild symptoms to severe, life-threatening symptoms, but your pet's allergies should never be taken lightly. If your pet is allergic to a common allergen such as a chemical food dye, changing to an organic diet could be just the thing. Organic food isn't allowed to have artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors, so feeding this type of diet could help reduce or prevent allergic reactions.

If you're unsure what allergen your pet is reacting to, trying out organic food could be a worthwhile step. Consult with your veterinarian about which diets can help your pet avoid ingredients that commonly cause allergic reactions. Your veterinarian may also want to perform allergy testing or put your pet on an elimination diet to help pinpoint the cause of the reaction.

3. You want your pet to live a long, healthy life

Some of the types of ingredients and contaminants that organic food is required to avoid can be quite detrimental to a pet's health. For example, ingredients that have been treated with endocrine-disrupting chemicals could have the potential to affect your pet's health. Choosing an organic food can help your pet avoid these, which may help to lower the pet's risk of some types of health issues. Reducing risk factors can be an important part of keeping your pet healthy for as long as possible.

As you can see, organic pet food may be right for your pet in a variety of situations. Your veterinarian can help you choose the best organic and natural pet food for your cat, dog, or other pet.

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About Me

First Pet Confusions: Tips For New Owners When my best friend needed a new home for a bird she had bought, she came to me because I didn't have any other pets. In the years since I took in what became the first of several birds, I have learned a lot about owning and caring for birds, and pets in general. I created this site to help prospective and new pet owners to understand the adventure that they are about to embark on. I hope that the information I share here will help you to feel better prepared as you start shopping for your own first pet.


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