Educate Yourself About These Topics Before You Buy A Reptile

If you've previously owned a dog or a cat, you likely have a good idea about what these animals require in terms of care. For example, you probably know that a dog needs regular exercise in the form of walks around the block and playtime at a local dog park, while a cat will typically get its own exercise by wandering around the neighborhood. If you've recently decided that you wish to buy a reptile, it's OK to admit that you don't currently know much about reptile care. As you evaluate which reptile you might wish to buy, you'll want to ask a salesperson about these topics.

Feeding Regimen

The feeding requirements of different reptiles can vary considerably — and be dramatically different than what you might have experienced with a dog or a cat. While feeding a dog or a cat multiple times a day is often the norm, reptiles don't generally require this frequency. For example, a large lizard will often eat dead rodents, and it can go days or even more than a week between feedings, depending on different factors. The feeding regimen of reptiles is especially important to know if you travel a lot. If you're frequently away from home for several days at a time, you'll want a reptile that can go a few days without a meal.

Tank Sizes

Regardless of what type of reptile you decide to buy, it will almost certainly spend the majority of its time living in a dedicated tank. As you assess your options, figure out how big certain reptiles will get and what size of tanks they'll need. If you live in a small apartment, you'll likely want to get a smaller reptile that can be comfortable in a smaller tank. For those who live in larger homes that have more space to devote to a tank, you may decide to choose a reptile that will get large.


You're probably used to handling a dog or a cat, and you likely know that these pets generally enjoy physical contact with humans. Often, dogs and cats will approach humans in order to get rubbed. You'll want to think about how much contact you wish to have with your reptile, and then buy the right species. Some reptiles do well with regular handling, while others do not. If you envision yourself taking your pet out of its tank to play with, look for a reptile that belongs in the former category.

Speak with a professional at a shop that has reptiles for sale

424 Words

About Me

First Pet Confusions: Tips For New Owners When my best friend needed a new home for a bird she had bought, she came to me because I didn't have any other pets. In the years since I took in what became the first of several birds, I have learned a lot about owning and caring for birds, and pets in general. I created this site to help prospective and new pet owners to understand the adventure that they are about to embark on. I hope that the information I share here will help you to feel better prepared as you start shopping for your own first pet.


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